Many Danes migrated to the Commonwealth countries during the 19th century, and subsequently served in the army or navy. They saw action all over the world; Indian Mutiny and the Boer Wars to mention a few.
First name(s)/Initials: Viggo Christian Ludvig
Rank: Lieutenant Inspector
Regiment/Service: Imperial Transport Service
Additional info: Born Copenhagen 7/12-1864. Enlisted with Julius Weil's Imperial Transport Serive. Prisoner of War near Weepner 7/4-1900.
Decorations/Campaign medals: Queens South Africa Medal - entitled but not awaded the clasps: Transvaal, Cape Colony and Orange Free State.
Force served: United Kingdom
Source(s): Bjørn Klausen
Photo #1:
First name(s)/Initials: Frederick Ferdinand
Rank: Trooper
Regiment/Service: Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry
Additional info: The Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry was raised in July 1857. They were military officers from Britain, unemployed by the Mutiny of their regiments, clerks, midshipmen from the P&O and other companies' ships, indigo planters and other Europeans. They mustered 258 men under Col Richardson CB.
They were disbanded after the Mutiny and thanked by the Governor-General for their distinguished service.
On the roll for the Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry are two Severines, Charles and Frederick. As the regiment was raised in Bengal, a province with Danish interest. The name Severin is a not uncommon danish name, and the mutiny medal that led to this post was bought from a Danish dealer at an antique fair in Sweden. Also, Denmark had a settlement in Serampore.
Trooper Frederick Severine is shown as serving in Troop 4 which was under the command of Lt. Albert Ellis.
With the help of Björn I got in contact with a danish genealogical site. There is a Fredrik Ferdinand Severin born in Aarhus in 1833, son of major and Stadhauptmand Thomas Ferdinand Severin, formerly of the 1. Jysk Infanteriregiment. Thomas father in turn, Christopher was 'kommandersergeant' in the same unit. When Fredrik grew up, the house where the family lived had a number of dragoons quartered, one of them his uncle, Claus Schmidt. He and his brothers are last recorded in Århus in the census of 1845. Until a short while ago I was still looking to fill the gap until they next turn up, now in India (Bengal) in 1862. Frederik has no brother named charles, but one is named Claus and served in the dragoon regiment in Århus as Corporal. Just as Fredrik, he is not shown in the censuses after 1845. Another brother, Peter Herskind Barentz Severin was born in Aarhus in 1839.
In 1862, there is a marriage recorded in Bengal between Frederick F Severin and Ellen Reily Robinson. He is recorded as a danish tea planter in India, and I recently found out he was born in 1833 in Aarhus, so he is the same Severin I found in the danish records. I found also on FIBIS a clipping from the Times of India about their marriage:
"On the 8th January at Christ's Church Gowhatty Assam by the Rev Robert Bland Chaplain Frederick Ferdinand Severin esq son of the late Major and Stadshoupman Thomas Ferdinand V Severin Knight of the Danebroge to Ellen Reily eldest daughtwer of William Robinson esq Inspector of Schools in North East Bengal and Assam."
Frederick also was proprietor of the tea plantation "Grönlund" in Assam. Ellen R Robinson was the daughter of William Robinson, inspector of government schools in Assam. At this time, a brother Peter Herskind Barentz Severin is also living in the Region. Peter married Emma Scott Robinson, a sister of Ellen Reily Robinson. They got the children Albert Fredrik William (born Debroghur 1868), Holger Ivan (Tezpore 1870) and Emma Dorothea in 1874. When she was born her mother died soon after, and possibly Peter Herskind died aswell, as the children were sent to England.
Frederick Ferdinands children were Thomas Ferdinand (1862), Emma Louisa (Gowhatty 1864), Agnes Eleanor (1866) and Henry Norman (1868).
On 14.2.1877 there is a death recorded for Frederick Ferdinand Severin in Assam. Agnes Eleanor and Thomas Fredrik were still in India in 1889, when they married in Bengal.
Emma Dorothea, born in India, is recorded in the 1881 census as living with her Aunt, Emmeline Ada Bland (Nee Robinson) in Stubwood Villa, Rocester. In 1891 census she is at school in England, at St Annes in Abbotts Bromley. she is married in 1900 in Hampstead, London.
Emma Louisa may have gone back to Denmark, as she later donated Fredrik Ferdinands Naga ethnical items to the danish National Museum after her death in 1944.
Decorations/Campaign medals: Indian Mutiny Medal, no clasp
Force served: United Kingdom
Source(s): Lars Ahlkvist (BMF)
Submitted by: Lars Ahlkvist